Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Ice Cream!

(Sorry, Ali)

Go to
enter info
get email from them seconds later
click link to print coupon
IMPORTANT!!!! When you get the little two computers that "talk" back and forth to each other followed by the "thanks, you may now close this window" screen - HIT BACKSPACE THREE (3) TIMES
It will print a second time.

You now have two coupons for $3 off 1 pint of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream

Next - wait until next week (starting January 4) and go to Walgreens.
Walgreens will have Ben and Jerry's pints on sale 2 for $6.
Get two pints of ice cream for free (or the cost of tax if your state has that).

Eat one - share the other - or eat them both and don't tell anyone =)

Disclaimer: If you resolved to lose weight or eat healthier or give up ice cream in 2009, please do not follow the above steps =)

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